Infographics x Loombands

by - 7:11:00 PM

With the weather condition, I declared today as a self non-working holiday. Only then did I realized the beauty of also not working. It's good to rest and take time to do things you actually like doing. Being the computer junkie that I am, I did some research and worked on some info graphics (to be posted soon!). Plus I helped my baby sister with her homework (you know, sister duties). After that, we made loom bands, which is really addicting so expect a future post all about loom bands. I also like to spend most of my free time with the kiddos because after a few weeks, I'll only get to see them on weekends. 

And to you dear reader, how was your day today? I hope you too had a productive day today. Comment below and let me know :) 

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  1. Can you make tutorials? :)

    1. Hello! Tutorials for looming or making info graphics? :) I can try. Thanks for dropping by btw!

    2. both hahahahah! :D

    3. Oh my! Haha I can try. Thank you anon :)
