2014 Lessons

by - 7:43:00 PM

And it all boils down to this - the 5 things 2014 has taught me. I know it's a bit late, but I've been really busy lately. The good kind of busy - soon, I'll have more to talk and blog about and this just really excites me. In general, 2014 has been one amazing ride. Sure, it had its ups and downs but I cannot be more grateful and to be honest, I never saw any of these coming. I can say 2014 was one of the best years ever. And although it probably taught me more than 5 lessons, these are the 5 that has had such a big impact on present day me. So without further ado, here are the 5 things 2014 has taught me. 

Yep, you heard me. If you miss a friend, call your friend. Just had a fight with someone? Make up with him/ her. We all wonder how people can stay friends for so long despite the distance or what not but now I guess it's because he / she does their part. You have to put effort in keeping your friends and family. I think I may have lost a ex- close friend this year because we got so caught up with my responsibilities. We drifted apart because we don't talk anymore and I guess that's why we all have to water our relationships. Go on get -togethers, reunions and outings as often as you can. Lucky for me - even if I don't have much water to give, I have a family, a boyfriend and best friends always there for me. :)
We are all plants (omg how cliche of me HAHAHA). But this definitely had too much of an impact in my life this 2014. You know how I'm taking an engineering course and I really REALLY love the arts? Well, since there is nothing artsy with engineering I found myself in a decision which is not yet final - BUT I HOPE AND PRAY will happen this 2015. Will update soon when I do! :) Thing is, when you find something you love doing - pursue it. It makes you happy. You're good at it. I'm so glad the universe finally made me realize this. I needed this. 

And sometimes more doors and windows open. I didn't believe in any this because if you know me very well - I don't even like waiting. Waiting in long lines were my nightmare, what more waiting for opportunities? Thus, the go-getter in me was born. However, there are some things you just really have to wait for. At the start of 2014, I gave up a few things. I gave up my position in PIIE so that a friend of mine could run for the position she wanted (due to complications of the rules too). She may not know this because whenever people would ask me why I gave it up - I just tell them I'm too busy. I also gave up other positions in my other orgs, I practically became "nothing" to them. Also, before our school started last August we had a 4-month break. I was looking for a job but I was turned down by most of them (although admittedly, I didn't have the food skills to HAHA)

BUT I AM GRATEFUL. I discovered myself more. I had more time to focus on my acads (and I'm making my comeback!). I got to eat dinner with my friends and I still contributed to my org's activities. Other than that, I got to attend seminars and I started a business with my baby sister (one of the best decisions I ever made last year - post about it soon, maybe.) I also won contests and giveaways (which I am forever grateful too - hello adventures and new pretty things!). And you know when I was turned down by every job I could think of - I applied in RareJob and I became a tutor. And I enjoy every moment I teach. Lastly, I started blogging last year and it's unbelievable how I get views and readers / followers. People started noticing - I got a few collaborations and sponsors and for my first year, I think I did well. It touches my heart (SO A BIG THANK YOUUUU). 

I guess, we all just have to trust in His plans. Just trust things will go well. When you give up some things, far greater things will come for you. :) 

I'm a selfless person - if it's not that obvious. Haha. I get guilty when I spend on me or just do something nice for myself. Many people tell me that it's like my ultimate weakness (ouch HAHA) but I don't mind. I love giving and it makes me happy seeing others happy. So I thought it was perfectly okay but someone told me that it's okay to be selfish sometimes. Keyword: SOMETIMES. Soo.... it's okay?! After getting sick this year (I'm very sickly) - I know now I have to take care of myself. I should stop getting in the way. I should do some things for me too. If you're struggling with not being selfish (and the struggle is real HAHA), treat yourself. Pamper yourself. Also this person keeps buying me nice branded clothes that I'm finally convinced I should finally go back to the dressed up girly girl that I used to be. Shopping here I come? HAHA (but investments first!) 

(as my sister Pamela always quotes JK Rowling). I'm not sure if you all know but someone pretends to be on this website - Omegle. Of course, I've never been to that site and never will. This person pretends to be me and is literally destroying my image to the people she talks to. She takes photos of herself and claims it to be my body. Hmmm such a muggle. HAHA. Sure, the first time I heard someone was doing this, I felt bad. I cried *and that probably made her happy* but this person is non-stop. She keeps continuing ( I know this because random people message me most days). Soon, I got used to it. I always would explain to those random people it wasn't me then every thing would be fine again. Now, she still does it of course. And I don't cry. (HUHU SO PROUD) and I just honestly laugh at everything she does. Also, I kinda have an idea who this person might be (thanks to people who don't believe her and tell me everything she says) - and you know what? *hairflips* nothing. Lesson learned, YOU DONT HAVE TO DEAL WITH THE NEGATIVITY. It will always be there but it doesn't mean you have to take it in. And trust me, when you let go of that negativity, only happiness will come your way. Listen to the people you love and trust (aka family, bestfriends and boyfriend hihi) and treat your haters as nothing but muggles because you are far way better. <3

You know what Flynn Rider says,
 "This is just a part of growing up. A little adventure, a little rebellion... that's good. Healthy, even." 

And that concludes the 5 lessons 2014 has taught me. I'm really thankful. How about you? What have you learned the past 2014? Let me know in the comment box below! I hope you all have a blessed year ahead! 2015, cheers! :) 

The Modern Rapunzel

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