Liebster Award

by - 9:47:00 PM

I've been seeing this Liebster Award go around in blogs for days now. It looked really fun and I'm so happy to be nominated to finally do the same. Thank you to Sabrina Escoto of The Sab Stuff for nominating me. :) So before we get started, here are some rules to remember:


1. If your life were to be narrated and recorded by someone, who would it be?
Ohh, it would definitely be by Morgan Freeman. He has the best voice ever. 

2. Where’s the certain place where you feel safe? Why?
I feel really safe at home. I guess it's just the feeling of being surrounded by 
people you love and trust. 

3. What’s the food that you always crave for?
4. Name 4 things that turn you off.
-Guys who go out in plaid shorts and slippers huhu
-Negative and judgmental people
-Tongue and nose piercings............ hmm
-Sweaty feet huhuhu sorry

5. List down at least five songs on your current playlist.
-Hello by Adele !!
-Do It Again by Pia Mia ft Chris Brown and Tyga
-Princess of China by Coldplay ft Rihanna
-Wildest Dreams by Taylor Swift
-Bahala Na by James Reid and Nadine Lustre *HAHAHAHA SORRY NA*

6. If your life would be a movie, what movie would it be? Why?
Hmmm. My favorite movie of all time would be 
Lord of The Rings BUT I seriously cannot live like
them unless I'd have a Legolas by my side. *hihi*

7. If given the chance, would you leave everything in your current life in exchange 
for the kind of life that you’ve always wanted? Explain. :)
No. Nothing worth having comes easy. Also being the emotional
cheese ball that I am, I don't think I would never have the heart
to trade my current life for something I always wanted. Never.

8. Which period in the past would you like to belong to?
I'd love to live in the 70s like a true, environmental-loving hippie.

9. Describe your perfect outfit.
My perfect outfit consists of a plain tee, maong shorts and slip-ons. 

10. What’s the gift you really really want to receive this christmas?
I just want a break from school and enjoy vacation 
with my family and friends. Eat and go out. :) 

11. If you could travel once for free, all expense paid, where would you go?



1. Shitzus, pugs and corgis 
2. I'm terrified of cats [except for Pusheen cat] 
3. Shrimps and crabs are my favorite food + sushi!
4. I'm 1/16 Chinese
5. I love swimming and sewing
6. To own a charity foundation is one of my life-long goals
7. Obsessed with planners 
8. I'm allergic to saltwater but I really love the beach
9. I secretly (not anymore) want to make a VLOG and SHORTS but don't know where to start
10. I love statistics......... HAHA
11. I shifted degree from Industrial Engineering to Development Communication (because DevCom is the dream)


1. What is one thing you love about yourself? What is one thing you hate about yourself?
2. If you could switch lives with anyone right now, who would it be and why?
3. What is the theme song of your life?
4. Describe your perfect date *YIE*
5. Name 3 people you find attractive.
6. Who was the last person you called on your phone and why?
7. What blog post of yours has the most views / hits? :) 
8. Where do you see yourself in 10 years?
9. Given unlimited resources, name the top 3 countries you would like to visit.
10. Have you ever stolen something? (for fun HEHE)
11. What is something you'd like to learn?


Have fun!
♡ Melissa

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  1. Question9 is interesting. Can't wait to make my 11 questions. I'll do it tomorrow thank you and more success!

    1. Glad it interests you. Thanks Aika and have fun! :)

  2. "To own a charity foundation is one of my life-long goals." - Same here. I think dreaming selflessly is something that most people now should learn.

    1. ^YES! I agree. The world will be a much better place, wouldn't it? :)

  3. I remember my first Liebster Award! It's amazing how long ago that was. Good luck in your blogging journey! So glad to have found your blog, thanks for visiting mine :)

    Abby of Life in the Fash Lane

    1. Hi Ms. Abby! Awwww thanks for commenting <3 I really love your ootds and it's one of those blogs that inspired me to do the same. Thank you and good luck to you as well! :)

  4. Your #6 fact is a life-long goal of mine too! :)
