Sto. Nino Festival at San Beda College Alabang

by - 1:36:00 PM

Every third week of January of the year, San Beda Alabang (where I studied high school) celebrates the Feast of Sto. Niño along with the country. As a student, I always looked forward to the celebration. Our school celebrates for two days and a day for rest. There's always dancing -we which we call the "field demonstration", much-awaited competitions like Bedan's Got Talent and the High school cheering competition and the fun fair with rides, games and booths of all sorts. It's been 3 years since I came back to Beda, and really - it takes me back. Am I making sense? Haha. I feel so proud to have studied in Beda and I hope the future graduates will too. :) [P.S. THIS POST IS A PICTURE-HEAVY - I hope you still enjoy!] 
Back when I was a student, I remember we always looked forward to the Feast of Sto Niño. While we were busy practicing for the field demonstrations and the high school cheering competition, the teachers too would plan the celebrations. In the morning, there were field demonstrations by the grade schoolers while there were competitions at the afternoon. 

Families seated around the field excited to watch the program. 
After the opening prayer and remarks, Beda's faculty and staff prepared a dance in celebration too. 

Baby Sto. Niño figure :)

Grade schoolers performing their "field demonstration". This year, the theme for field demonstration is "Physical Activities" and each level had an assigned sport. My sister danced to Zumba while my little brother did "Tai-bo / boxing". :) 


Beda's Got Talent (baby bro in the one Yellow - they're dancing to Uptown Funk)

There were also booths who sell kiddie toys and goodies as well as rides. 
YAYYY! So I hoped you liked the photos :) I really enjoyed going back to my high school. It brings back good memories and brings out the fun with family. And I hope, even future graduates will go back and celebrate with the whole bedan community. How do you and your family celebrate the Sto. Niño? Leave me a comment below. Cheers! <3

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