Health Practices Of My Family

by - 11:44:00 PM

Being in a big family, health has always been our number one priority. Imagine, if one family member gets sick, we all are in danger of getting sick - and we cannot get sick! (Did I mention we are a very busy family?) What we normally do, is we ostracized confine the sick family member to a separate room. He or she will only get to go out once he or she feels better. Yes, he or she stays in the whole day.

Thus, we really don't like getting sick - no, we avoid getting sick! In order to do so, my parents have made us a "emergency meds kit". In this emergency meds kit are medicines to relieve the simplest sickness and pains - such as headaches, dysmenorrhea, tummy aches, body pains and etc. 

Here's a peek of what you will find in our normal emergency kit:

Paracetamol Biogesic

Biogesic relieves headaches, backaches, menstrual cramps, muscular aches, minor arthritis pain, toothache, and pain associated with the common cold and flu. It is also used for fever reduction. This small caplet is perfect for our headaches, and you know us students, since we're always prone to headaches. Kidding aside, this is our "basic" must-have in our kit. 

Kremil - S

Another must have for our kit is Kremil S. Personally, this really works for me. I am usually prone to tummy aches, probably because I am acidic, so I always make sure to carry a tablet of Kremil S with me. The same goes with my dad, he also always makes sure to bring Kremil S with him. Thanks to this tablet, tummy aches are less painful. The best part is that it's chewable so I can take it even if I don't have water. 

Alaxan FR

Taken from their website, " is used for the relief of mild to moderately severe pain of muscoskeletal origin such as muscle pain (myalgia), arthritis, rheumatism, sprain, strain, backache and stiff neck." This can also be used to relieve major headaches and dysmenorrhea and even toothaches. Among the rest, Alaxan FR can treat a lot of sicknesses and pain. No wonder, my parents are really insistent in putting this in our emergency meds kit. I remember the last time I used Alaxan FR was when I just came from a not-so-fun-run. 


And lastly, we have bioflu. This medicine is used for the relief of clogged nose, runny nose, postnasal drip, itchy and watery eyes, sneezing, headache, body aches, and fever associated with flu, common cold, allergic rhinitis, sinusitis, and other minor respiratory tract infections. Mom always tells me that I should drink bioflu in order to avoid the real flu and naturally, it does the trick.

Since I stay away from home most of the week (I live in the dormitories of UP with no one to take care of me huhu), my parents really encourage me to have this emergency kit. Don't worry though. My parents have taught my siblings and I to really only take these meds when we need it. We don't overdose, we promise. Haha! 

For more information, you can check out Unilab's products here.

How about you? What health practices or rituals does your family do? I want to hear about it, let me know in the comments below. Stay healthy! :) 

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  1. I frequently use Kremil S and Alaxan.. it really helps me a lot especially when my acid reflux attacks me again....
    Like yours, my mom always make sure that we have these meds at home.. she even bring some meds when we travel so in case of emergency, she has the meds on the go! My mom used to include diatabs too and also vitamin C on her own med kits!

    1. Glad to know. It was only until college did I realize the importance of bringing a med kit. Hehe. I guess our moms think alike. Lol

  2. medicines are nice but in our family when we get sick we totally just eat lot of fruits and vegetables, i dont know why but our sickness kinda eases of like fever and cold :)))

    1. Yup! I get you. We only take these meds if we can't tolerate the pain / sickness. These meds usually just ease the pain :)

  3. Wow, your family sure takes health seriously. We have a small home so putting a sick family member to quaratine is not exactly feasible.

    I love Biogesic, it's tried and tested, really works for headaches and fever.

    1. I agree! I think Biogesic is really effective. It really does the trick :)

  4. My medicine kit also includes biogesic, kremil S, bioflu and the most important for me is the loperamide. I've got a very sensitive digestive system.

    1. Really? Hmmmm I have a sensitive digestive system too. I think I might need ioperamide. Haha!

  5. My mom got everything on her medicine pouch. She's like our Dr.Kwak at home! Haha

    1. Haha! This is funny. Aren't most of are moms? :))

  6. We also have an emergency kit and with the same medicines. Bioflu is really a must because hubby always get sick almost every month. Buti nalang ako hindi sakitin heheh

    1. That's good. I think mahirap na magkasakit yung mom. The children and husband usually rely on her kasi. Hehe :)

  7. That is such a lovely family photo :) I also bring medicine kit wherever I go. I make sure to bring with me Kremil-S, super acidic ako.

    1. Thank you! :) And I feel youuuu, super acidic din ako so I really have to bring Kremil - S. Mawala lang lahat, wag lang yung Kremil - S.

  8. Idea of a medical is lovely, but I would never recommend medicines on my blog as people are prone to be allergic to certain medicines.

    1. Hmmm I agree! I wouldnt recommend any medicines. I'm just sharing. :)

  9. The emergency med kit is so sweet! Great idea. I don't normally bring a med kit with me (rarely would be the perfect word). I only have a bottle of water with me at all times. :)

    1. It is. I feel like my parents are around even if I stay far away. :) That's good. I usually bring water with me too. Only in times that the pain becomes intolerable that I take meds.

  10. At home, I always see to it that we have first aid kits and medicines. It's really helpful during emergencies.- KarenT

  11. Biogesic is a staple in my medicine kit! When we're sick my mom would make green juice made of blended fruits and vegetables and force it down our throats haha. It's yucky and all but it works wonders! ;)

    1. Haha! Actually, my parents are trying juicing right now. And yes I agree, it is yucky but it's really supposed to be healthy lol

  12. Same! It's not that we rely on medicines, my parents really warned us and told us only to take if the pain or headache is really bad and we cannot "tolerate" it anymore. Haha. My mother and father believes in natural means too. We usually have water or virgin coconut oil. :)

  13. We have the same contents on my medicine kit! Haha. But as much as possible, I always try to avoid getting sick. I just can't tolerate my system crashing down and all :(

    Mimi | Chasing Bleu

  14. Nice peek inside your med purse! haha I don't usually take meds, unless very necessary. All my life, I tend to resort to herbal medicines, like salabat or ginger brew, tea with lemon, lots of water, etc. When I moved to Scandinavia, I started having severe headaches from time to time, especially during winter. So I always have Panodil (Paracetamol) with me. ;) And girl, I feel you. I also lived in dormitories in UP for three years, and then moved to an apartment during my last year, and eventually to a house I shared with colleagues. The first year living alone was really challenging! You have to take care of yourself when you're sick! But then again, the succeeding years will be a piece of cake! You'd really learn to be independent, and resourceful. ;)

    1. Interesting. Haha! I really feel that you can relate. It's hard being away from your parents, especially if their the only ones who can take care of you. Haha. Thanks for your advice. I really want to learn how to be independent, resourceful and thrifty. :) <3
