Product Review: Sabon Co Soaps
Hi everyone! Sorry if I've been a busy bee lately, I really try to write when I can. We UP students don't have summer until June because of the calendar shift which means more school work... NOOOOO! Huhu. But seriously, I really do hope to update this blog more often especially now that this is my own domain (YAYYYY a blogpost about that soon!) :)
So how's everyone's summer so far? I'm sure many of you are in the beach by now, lying under the sun, sipping on a cool mango shake *ughhhhh the life please* HAHA. And since it is summer, we should not forget to take care of our skin too. That's why, I'm going to share you a secret - the secret of Sabon Co. ;)

They offer three kinds of soap, Glutathione, Acne Lemon and Arbutin. I was able to use all three in a span of a month or so. When I do product reviews, I'd like to do a little research on the product I'm going to use. I have sensitive skin and I am really careful with the beauty products I use. For Sabon Co, I don't even remember being hesitant at all.
Their glutathione soap contatins gluthatione, glycerine, milk extract and VCO. It contains anti-oxidants to keep a radiant glow. Although I used this for a short period, I did start to notice my arms to lighten after two weeks or so. I wish I had more of this soap though, I wanted to see how lighter my skin would get. So if you plan to use this, make sure you use it continuously and faithfully.
Arbutin soap is their bestseller. And I can really see why. Aplha Arbutin extract comes from the evergreen bush of Bearberry. It is considered as a safe alternative to skin pigments and reduces agents to make the skin fairer. After a few days, I wasn't sure if I was hallucinating or what but I noticed my skin became more tight and it felt really soft and moisturized. You know that feeling when your friends draws on your dry skin? My friends couldn't do that to me anymore after using Arbutin, and I was still really in shock.
My favorite soap was the acne lemon. From the name itself, it helps pimples dry easier and it is proven to treat acnes. I'm not really the pimple-type of person but when I do get pimples, it's really bad. Thankfully, Acne Lemon was able to kill my pimples before they got bigger. A tip though for those of sensitive skin, use Acne Lemon once a day. Also, Acne Lemon has benzoyl peroxide and it's based ingridient, Virgin Coconut Oil.
Sabon Co also caters to events. You can give these organic soaps as giveaways, prizes, gifts or even souvenirs. When you order, you can just request for a "themed" packaging. Less hassle for you if you plan to give it away. Right? :)
More about Sabon Co
Sabon Co was started last November 2014 by two sisters who love nature and beauty. They sell organic, all-natural soaps with hand-crafted packaging. All their soaps are based in Virgin Coconut Oil (VCO) enriched with Vitamins E and D. That's why you can notice that the scent of the soaps are not too strong as it comes from real fruit extract.
Their basic foundation is making skin not only healthy and beautiful. :)
With all that being said and you still can't decide which soap to buy, they can give you all three for a lesser price! This is called the "Sampler Pack". Using this, you can have a try of all the soaps and decide on your favorite/s.
For more information about Sabon Co, you can follow them on:
Numbers: 0905-391-1734 / 0933-475-7016
Disclaimer: These are only based on my own experience. They may have worked for me but it doesn't automatically guarantee you the same experience. It still depends on your skin type and other factors.
Have a happy summer and remember to take care of your skin and the environment. Cheers! :)