Hi everyone! Sorry if I've been a busy bee lately, I really try to write when I can. We UP students don't have summer until June because of the calendar shift which means more school work... NOOOOO! Huhu. But seriously, I really do hope to update this blog more often especially now that this is my own domain (YAYYYY a blogpost about that soon!) :)
So how's everyone's summer so far? I'm sure many of you are in the beach by now, lying under the sun, sipping on a cool mango shake *ughhhhh the life please* HAHA. And since it is summer, we should not forget to take care of our skin too. That's why, I'm going to share you a secret - the secret of Sabon Co. ;)

They offer three kinds of soap, Glutathione, Acne Lemon and Arbutin. I was able to use all three in a span of a month or so. When I do product reviews, I'd like to do a little research on the product I'm going to use. I have sensitive skin and I am really careful with the beauty products I use. For Sabon Co, I don't even remember being hesitant at all.