Saving Money Series: Goals
Before you start anything, any project, thesis, recipe, basically anything - you need to have a goal. I cannot stress to you how important a goal is. I'm sure you all have had your fair share of goals. And it may be August and we're nearing the end of this year but it is never too late to create new goals. So before we start our project to save money. Start with the question "why am I saving money?". For example:
"Why are you saving money?"
"I am saving money because I want/need to take a vacation in another country with my friends."
"Why are you saving money?"
"I want/need to buy my self a new phone."
"Why are you saving money?"
"I want/need to have money I can invest."
So these are all possible answers to the question. Ask yourself. Once you have an answer, you now have a reason to save or something we like to call a goal. However, goals are not complete without a "due" date. You need to know when you need to finish or have achieved your goal. Long-term or short term, every goal has to have a finish date. If you do not have a finish date, you may even forget it and decide not to continue. Also, having a date, could give the good kind of pressure. (I hope).
In choosing a due date, you first have to think about yourself. I want you to think carefully and decide based on your capability in completing in this challenge. You may opt to also pressure yourself a little more, if you think you usually achieve your goals in 3 months, then challenge yourself and make it two. Again, it depends on you.
Lastly, since our series is all about saving money. What's a goal without monetary value? Estimate the money you are going to need to have that vacation with your friends. Research how much does that new phone you always wanted cost. Know the amount of money you want to invest in the stock market. It's all about the monetary value. Finish writing your goal with an estimate of how much you are going to need. If you find yourself needing more in the future, then go ahead and don't be shy to adjust it. If you don't, then the better.
So that's all for today. I hope that you found this helpful. Let me know what your goals are in the comment box below. Happy goal writing! :)