Hello! And welcome again to another post from our "saving money series". And today's post is all on cleaning one's closet. For us girls, it's a tough and tiring job (because we have a lot of clothes) - and for the guys, well if you also have a "bunch" of clothes, you can clean your closet as well. So it's optional. Most people do not like the idea of cleaning their closet, it can get tiring as I said earlier and well, sometimes we don't really have a system in cleaning it. Lucky for you, this post covers how we can clean our closet using the 5S. No this is the not the iPhone 5S - this is the 5S Japanese methodology. I first heard this when I was in my high school, our English teacher would always ask us to do the 5S before we start our classes. Also, as an Industrial Engineering student, I heard about the 5S again this college. It is very important to our major as we also incorporate this practice in our daily lives. I hope this helps you finally clean out your closet in a much easier and systematic way.
Joining us, as always is Pusheen cat *yay*. So let's get started (you can refer to the graphic below). First, we define what the 5S is. Well, the 5S started in Japan. It is the acronym of 5 Japanese words - Seiri, Seiton, Seiso, Seiketsu and Shitsuke. The 5S methodology of creating and maintaining a well organised, clean and highly effective environment. You can learn more about it through here.