I had an amazing day today at EDSA Shang Ri-La hotel. My orgmates and I attended this free *but per-invite* forum by Accenture. I learned a lot today (horaaah). The speaker was a professor from MIT and he was really smart and funny. In a way, I wanted to shift from my course to computer science (which was originally one of my dream courses next to the arts). The world is so digital today that you can find everything and anything you need online. That also explains my online job. (If you haven't read about it, you can read it here!) Anyways, Accenture also had an exhibit of one the cutting-edge technologies. One of the coolest gadgets that were on display, was the google glass. (picture on the left: Me wearing the google glass). I'm not gonna tell you how cool it was cause I'm pretty sure you know it already but can you just imagine how hi-tech our generation and world will be in the future? I can. And it's gonna be pretty exciting. Thank you Accenture for this opportunity for learning even outside our classroom. :)
(UPLB IESO @ Accenture "Shaping the Future" forum)